"The chapter on the attempts to restore the Temple is worth the price of the book!"R. Geringswald
Zechariah & Jewish Renewal: From Gloom to Glory
by Fred P. Miller
"One of the best, if not the best, commentaries on Zechariah (or any book) I have ever read. This book opened my eyes to some new thoughts, and deepened what I already understood about Zechariah in particular and the whole bible in general.
Fred Miller's insight into the oral law and his comments on the Shekinah, tying it all in with biblical and secular history, were particularly valuable to me.
Fred defends the very use of the term "Shekinah" and discusses the beginning of the "presence" of God in Israel and its ultimate departure from a desolate Temple in the days of Ezekiel. Many have never considered the possibility that God's presence had actually then returned to the restored Temple in the days of Zerubbabel, or that the tearing of the Temple veil at the death of Jesus was the final departure of the Shekinah from any physical building. From then on the presence of God would be "in the hearts of spiritual Israel".
The discussion on the oral law is another major section in this book that is especially worth reading. Every Christian should have an understanding of that which was handed down through the generations from Mt. Sinai and was a coincident "oral explanation" to "accompany the Law of Moses". Reading Fred's discussion on the oral law might make you want to do more study in the Mishnah, the second century attempt to codify the "oral law.".
These two topics alone are worth purchasing the book and reading, but the many other topics dealt with in this book are very valuable in this time of high interest in the "last days". Will an independent Jewish state result in a restored Temple? Will the Jews accept Christ?
You will learn much about the alternative Temple built over 150 years before Christ in Egypt? The historical record is documented and researched in this book.
Anyone who reads this book, whether a beginner or a veteran in the Bible, will increase his knowledge, understanding and appreciation of God's Word in the past, present and future. This book is well written, documented and footnoted. It includes indexes, a glossary and a bibliography. It will be a valuable addition to your library and educational experience".
Dave Wood
"This book should be a college text book!"
Richard BournePrice was $16.95, now $12.00
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further discount for multiple copies.ISBN 1-883116-02-3
To order contact Fred Miller Phone Toll Free: 1 877-441-1837
Or email your order to fmoeller@bellsouth.net.
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