Revelation: A Panorama of the Gospel Age
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation
Go to Table of Contents The view taken here:
There are many schemes of interpretation of the Book of Revelation but only three can be thought of as major methods. The position taken in this book is that most of the symbols in Revelation have been fulfilled as historical epochs through which the Church has lived and survived. There is therefore in this book a parallel historical event linked to the symbols of Revelation. This is called the Historical Method. The writer believes this to be the one and only correct method of interpreting the book and gives valid reasons why other methods are not in harmony with the purpose of the Holy Spirit in the design and plan of the book..
This book is available for you to study at will. Please ask permission before copying for reproducion in multiples. A hard cover version is available of these files. If you would like a copy for your library it can be bought for 50% less than the cover price. The same is true for the commentary on Zechariah. A paper bound book is available of these files A course of study with 21 lessons is also available.
Last Update, September 1, 1999
A Verse by Verse Commentary on the Book of Revelation
and Related Prophecies
Statue of Daniel 2 Interpretation that Does Violence to
the Prophecy
Naval Battles 1797 to 1806Appendix B
The Number 666 Greek and Hebrew Numerals
Vatican II Documents on Religious Freedom Five Pages
Historical Maps Featuring the Duration and End of the Papal States
Available on CD Rom:
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